Is your teen struggles to get from point A to point B without wearing headphones? Does he seem easily bored, lethargic, self absorbed, and the lack of critical thinking skills in a constructive and creative? Does it seem that his level of entertainment and excitement continues to have amped to keep the peace in your home? Do the things that used to interest him are no longer attractive to him?
Finding a solution to this problem may be easier to get than you think. To begin, you should make yourself familiar with the condition known as anhedonia, because it affects almost the entire nation.When I talk about the problems anhedonia, and its implications for the family, church, and culture, I often meet with people looking at me as if I was carving wood. But, understand, and apply the limits in your home to help manage it, will help you and your family in a few different ways-especially your relationship with God.In his book, Good Death, Dr. Archibald Hart unload anhedonia subjects. He spoke to the dangers of multitasking and our nation's preoccupation with pleasure and what it does to us as people-our youth and families in particular. For more in-depth understanding of anhedonia check book. Also, for further insight, you can listen to my interview with Dr. Hart.Defining anhedoniaMost of the medical and mental health field understand anhedonia as a symptom of depression, schizophrenia, or drug addiction. Anhedonia is the destruction of the pleasure center in the brain that does not allow one to experience pleasure from the things in life that should bring pleasure.However, there is what I call anhedonia the 21st century, according to Dr. Archibald Hart, now affects 80% of the American public. It's just a matter of degree.Anhedonia in Today's CultureI call anhedonia of the 21st century because it is not caused by things that doctors know about the subject. It is caused mainly due to the rapid and constant multitasking "my pleasure to imbecility" community has now produced by the display, keyboard, and many other digital devices.Identify What Contributes anhedoniaDigital devices dominate the daily life of today's society to the point that we have become insatiable for information, entertainment, and excitement they bring our way. What we do not realize is that it is slowly destroying the capacity of critical, constructive, and creative thinking to the point we are making our entire nation is ripe for dumbing down has never been seen before in the history of the world! Unfortunately, it affects our children the most. Their brains were wired up as a computer to computer.The human brain was never designed to be constantly stimulated to the level it is today. Philip Telfer with provide a better understanding of this point in the documentary Captivated.Today, we would be more appropriate as people-more than any time in history. However, we lose our ability to do something productive with the information we have obtained, because of our tendency to pleasure-seeking activities opportunities multiply with the increasing number of digital devices. It's really like any other addiction.Can you identify areas where your family anhedonic symptoms are present?
Friday, December 07, 2012
Understanding Anhedonia - How to Decide in Today's Culture
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