Friday, December 25, 2015

How to Overcome Anhedonia Naturally

Learn step by step how to overcome anhedonia naturally with no feeling and no emotion, to read the story about how to overcome anhedonia naturally and other article about anhedonia treatment you can go to

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Anhedonia Treatment - What you Need to Know

If you suffer from anhedonia, then there is treatment available for you, but it does make sense to understand more as to what is involved before you start. What follows is all of the information you should really know about not just the possible treatment, but also the condition itself to allow you to determine if you do indeed suffer from it or not.

What is anhedonia?

Anhedonia is a major symptom of a major depressive disorder and it is perhaps best characterised by the person losing all interest in activities that used to give them a great deal of pleasure. There is a theory that it occurs as a direct result of the reward system of the brain actually breaking down so people lose a certain amount of their emotions and find it difficult to enjoy anything. If you suffer from depression, then there is a good chance you will also have anhedonia. People with it will generally have an extremely flat mood with no changes in it, which does make it difficult for them to get treatment.

What is the treatment?

There are several ways in which anhedonia can be treated and it may indeed result in a combination of both medication as well as natural remedies. One issue is of course the depression and it may be decided that the sufferer will require medication to help with that and then the anhedonia will be tackled on its own. As it is linked to anxiety it is best to tackle the problem as soon as possible with the following treatments having been shown to be successful with a number of people.

Doing some form of physical exercise is widely accepted as being a fantastic treatment in not only this, but also depression in general. By doing exercise it releases chemicals in the brain that does elevate the mood so look at doing it on a regular basis even if it just involves going for a brisk walk on most days.

Apart from exercise, another treatment can involve the use of yoga to help calm the mind and this is of course something that can be done alone. Yoga is known as being a good way to tackle anxiety and actually stop it from developing too quickly and you can then keep it under control. Do also consider meditation as an alternative and others will also tend to use tai-chi to help them remain calm.

You may also want to look at homeopathic treatments if you wish to avoid using medication that is prescribed by your doctor and there are several things that may be used. Valerian is good for not only helping you to sleep better, which is also part of the treatment for anheodnia, but it will also help with anxiety, but you are certainly advised to consult an expert to ensure you take the right things.

Another approach to take is to live a healthy lifestyle, which means look at your diet and stop smoking as well as reduce the amount of alcohol you consume. Doctors and psychologists will often state that a healthy lifestyle can make a difference with anhedonia as well as depression and build a close relationship with friends and family who can support you.

Finally, there are of course antidepressants available or other medication designed to help tackle anxiety issues, but for some people they will lead to side effects and it may be best to look at natural remedies instead. Side effects are of course not an issue with the natural approach and it will, therefore, be kinder on your body and mind in general.

How successful is the treatment?

As with any kind of treatment the success rate does vary between people; however, the fact there are several methods available does make it far more likely you will be able to find something that works for you. There are a large number of people who would swear by the natural, holistic approach and there has certainly been a lot of research into the impact it has on the mind and depression in general.

So if you do indeed suffer from anhedonia, then at least there are a number of potential treatments available for you to try. It is perhaps quite importantn to point out that there will be no guarantee of one treatment being suitable for everyone, but the key is to try a mixture of both natural remedies along with those that are perhaps prescribed by your doctor in order to give yourself the best chance of recovery. Getting over this is entirely possible and in doing so you will be able to start to enjoy life once more rather than the depression and anhedonia slowly crippling you


Saturday, March 08, 2014

Ejaculatory Anhedonia Causes

In ejaculation or ejaculatory anhedonia astnica man does not receive nearly the sensation of orgasm and the sperm comes out as weak, helpless. This is caused by the lack of muscle contractions that force the sperm out. These episodes usually happen after a period of sexual abstinence. In other cases it may be produced by a lesion of the spinal cord.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Attention, Clarity and Intensity of Emotion: Three Factors That Distinguish Between Depressed and Anxious

Attention, clarity and intensity of emotion: three factors that distinguish between depressed and anxious - Attention to emotion, emotional clarity and intensity of emotion are three important aspects of emotional experience that can help you better understand the psychological suffering.

The first relate to the ability that an individual has to pay attention and think about their emotional experiences ( attention to emotion ) and to understand, recognize and discriminate between them ( emotional clarity ).

As we tend to believe these two functional capacity as the well-being of the individual, can actually help to promote the so-called emotional dysregulation : the difficulty to manage their emotions, which prevents an adaptive reaction to the events that have aroused.
In people who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder ( GAD, generalized anxiety disorder) were often found high levels of emotional intensity and low in clarity of emotion. GAD is a main feature of the repetitive thinking about the possibility that an event considered unpleasant to occur and, therefore, not desired. This is known as worry ( brooding ).

Low levels of clarity and attention on the one hand, and high emotional intensity on the other hand, are found instead in individuals who suffer from depressive anhedonia, frequent symptom of depression in which there is a drop of pleasure and motivation in performing daily activities and pleasant.

The authors, luminaries in the field of brooding, they found that intensity, focus and clarity are associated in a peculiar emotional intensity with which people anxious and depressed brood suffer from anhedonia.

People who tend to brood (but do not suffer from anhedonia ) live more easily and with high intensity emotions, you turn a lot of attention and have a high capacity in identifying them.

Less clarity, focus and intensity of emotion are typical of people suffering from depression but do not brood.

How many suffer from both depression is instead of brooding could be defined as " emotionally confused " : they have high levels of emotional intensity as well as pay a lot of attention to emotion while trying to avoid experiences and information that can enable them in those same emotions.

Finally, many enjoy a satisfying psychological well-being show a greater emotional awareness levels and have little intense on an emotional level.

Every anxious or depressed would therefore create its own peculiar pattern of intensity, focus and emotional clarity.

Different emotional styles not only can make people vulnerable to stress, but associated with different levels of brooding and anhedonia, may be important for understanding different patterns of psychological distress.

Anhedonia As A Symptom

 Anhedonia as a symptom - Crow 19 was an early proponent of modernconcept of anhedonia as a symptom of the schizophrenic state. Taking the clinical approach dichotomous( " Positive symptoms vs.  Negative symptoms " ) proposed by Hughlings -Jackson 20 in neurology, the author hypothesizedthe existence of two different forms of schizophrenia : theType I ( "positive" ), characterized by the predominance ofproductive psychotic phenomena (eg delusions, hallucinations) ,and type II ( "negative" ), dominated by symptomsdifettuale, in which he considered salientflattening of affect and withdrawal from social life. A few years later, Andreasen 13, in order toconstruct valid psychometric instruments to measure thepsychopathology of schizophrenia, inserted the construct of the inabilityhedonic within the subscale " Anhedonia /Anti-social " SANS (Scale for the Assessment of NegativeSymptoms ), defining it as : a) loss of interestand gratification in respect of activities and situationsrecreational normally considered, pleasant, and / or ;b) lack of intimacy and emotional involvement insocial and sexual relationships of various kinds.

Subsequently, Carpenter 14, as part of its redefinitionclinical psychotic symptoms difettuale ,anhedonia placed between the primary and negative symptomsenduring what he called " deficit syndrome " ofschizophrenia.  In SDS ( Schedule for " Deficit Syndrome" )21, developed precisely for the diagnosis of thisspecific schizophrenic subtype, disability was hedonicin fact present in at least three of the six items proposed ( [ A2]decrease in emotional range [to be considered asinability to experience pleasure and / or anger ], [ A4] reductioninterest and [ A6 ] drop in thrust and desirefor social relationships ).

The results of some recent experimental studies seem toconfirm the thesis as a symptom own dell'anedoniastatus schizophrenic.  In particular, Loas et al.  22 ,Blanchard et al.  23 and Kontaxakis et al.  24 foundhigher levels of disability in patients with hedonicschizophrenia ( both acute and chronic ) compared to subjectsnon-psychiatric controls, highlighting how, inboth these samples psychotic, this figure, whilepresenting a significant positive correlation withother negative phenomena of the disease ( flatteningaffect, alogia, avolition / apathy, social withdrawal ), it is showncompletely independent of the size positive, disorganizedand depressive disorder itself.

In a longitudinal study of 127 individuals withchronic schizophrenia (mean follow -up duration of 10years), Herbener and Harrow 25 have also suggested thatanhedonia, being typical of the stages of chronicity ofpsychosis, could be seen as a negative componentstable course of schizophrenic direct expressionfunctional impairment of their evolutionaryof these patients.

In the last decades of the 900, some researchers havedeveloped the idea that the negative symptoms of schizophrenia(and therefore also the inability hedonic ) are due toa deficiency of dopamine (DA) in the offices of projectionmesocortical dopaminergic circuits of the brain to startfrom the ventral tegmental area of the midbrain ,especially those that project in the prefrontal cortexdorsolateral 26-28.  According to this hypothesis, the state ofbehavioral deficits associated with schizophrenic symptomsdifettuali imply hypoactivity (functional) ofthese dopaminergic fibers ascending or a fewexhaustion of their structural neuronal systems. In particular, the deficiency in the functioning of the fibersdopamine may be due to:

1 ) a primary deficit of DA, linked to hyperactivity( " Excitotoxic ") local glutamatergic circuitsmesencephalic, resulting in abnormal activation( RNMDA - mediated) of the mechanisms of apoptosis in loaddopaminergic neurons of the ventral tegmental area( " Neurodegerativa hypothesis " of schizophrenia ) 29. This would be linked to neuronal excitotoxicitya peculiar " individual diathesis stress", forwhich, in a subject predisposed to developing the disorder ,a given biological vulnerability ( iperespressivitàof genes that regulate glutamatergic neurotransmissionbrain ) would apply disproportionatelyunder the influence of numerous environmental stressors( for example toxins, drugs, infectious agents ,high expressed emotion in the family ) 28;

2 ) a deficit of DA secondary to ) an inhibition of theits synaptic release, due to an excess of serotoninmesencephalic level, or b) to a receptor blockadePrefrontal D2, linked to the administration oftypical neuroleptics (eg haloperidol ) 27.  the firstinstead of these mechanisms may help understandingthe clinical efficacy of atypical antipsychotics( eg clozapine ) in reducing the negative symptomsschizophrenia ( selective receptor antagonism5HT2A midbrain ) 30.

Pleasure, Anhedonia and Depression

Pleasure, gratification and overall satisfaction for your live is a central aspect of psychiatric care . There are specific diseases that affect the ability to think about the pleasure (depression "typical" ) , to join him (depression " atypical " , bipolar disorder) , or to manage it ( bipolar disorder , addictions ) . In general, then , in all situations of mental illness , it should be borne in mind that the goal of a cure, beyond the individual symptoms , is to replicate as far as possible a state of well-being understood as overall satisfaction, quality of life and ability to derive gratification from a series of stimuli and environments .

The concept of pleasure can be intesto in its various stages:
  1. Have a project or a goal, and then have in mind that where the search for self-satisfaction or realization ;
  2. Be able to take the initiative on time and in the right opportunities to get close to the desired situations or create them.
  3. Being satisfied with the experience and draw impetus to increase the ability of others to enjoy it or even enjoy it in a better way
  4. Being able to balance the desire to feel good or enjoy one thing and the need to manage its absence when it is not available , or the need to devote time to other activities useful .

When a person does not identify with a pleasure that nothing is worth getting , we use the term anhedonia (literally " the absence of gratification "). It must , however, distinguish between those situations in which the person proves indifferent or disinterested , without complaining about it ; those other situations in which the person complains and indeed is distressed by the fact that she can not longer get pleasure from the usual things , while feeling the push to do it in some way.

Anhedonia is one of the hallmarks of depression, and is usually also signs visible from outside , such as the fixity of facial expressions , lack of response to external stimuli , the attitude is addressed to her , the silence , the attitude of reflection silent and distressed about negative issues , the categorical rejection of initiatives and interactions with the environment , including the therapeutic dose. The depressed anhedonic tends not to feel the pleasure as possible, per se , and therefore does not "feel " more positive , constructive things and even have feelings of hope or desire . The same feelings of affection for close people, the spiritual points of reference , it is dampen or flatten into a kind of withering internal "island" from life.

The situation is different for those who can not prove gratification even if he would know where and how to obtain it, and then continues to dream , to imagine , or to mourn if he lost . And 'This is a more common , which amplified if you find yourself in different psychiatric conditions , from depression to " atypical " for adjustment disorders , abuse of alcohol and drugs. The person feels in this case as " nailed " away from the opportunities of life , excluded, rejected. He feels able to feel pleasure but in a passive manner , without the ability , the desire and drive to go out and look for opportunities to gain and gratification . Often the pleasure remains , but in a " poor " or passive : food, entertainment solitary masturbation , alcohol. What is missing is the right gear in short, while it lacks the classic nell'anedonia fuel. Unlike classical dell'anedonia , people with anhedonia " atypical " can still have fun and change the mood if you get the right opportunity , or if someone else takes them in challenging situations .

Psychiatric disorders that typically look like this in the middle of discomfort, even when the most urgent symptoms have resolved, are bipolar disorder and substance abuse . (recent or past).

In the context of disorders of substances have been used different terms to describe syndromes that follow the posting substances ( post- withdrawal withdrawal , reward deficiency syndrome ) , or intoxication syndrome ( amotivational , specification of cannabis ) .

The user of substances that loses control over the desire to use them , it does so beyond the intentions of putting yourself at risk , and despite the rational expectation of a pleasure scarce and not fulfilling. In this situation, his pleasure is only anticipation, expectancy empty, as they say " salience ", that is a mental state in which an object is proposed as a first and urgent source of desire , although the person is aware that such behavior is ruining his life, and in fact it is not even possible, because it takes place in a risky , unrewarding and stressful indeed , a pleasure which is more a memory or a dream that is not stable and current experience .

After discontinuing the use of substances , those who remain abstinent typically experiences a situation of "hole" of gratification , so it tends to look for other sources of stimulus including other substances or stimuli can be addictive , or do not know where to look and remains in a state of lethargy , of degradation , of greyness without a trigger that gives him the right charge for wanting to live actively .

Even people with disorders of impulse control different from substance abuse , such as kleptomania , gambling , sexual addictions , associate pleasure " chased " and practiced frequently but never so satisfying as it should be, to a background of boredom, emptiness and dissatisfaction agitated or discouraged .

As a final variant of the pathology of pleasure there are conditions of emotional indifference , that is, those states in which the person does not show to get excited or interested at all, without even complaining about it , but simply estranged from life or from previous interests. It ' a proper condition of schizophrenia , but also paintings idiotic . In these cases, family members are more worrying than the subject itself, which is able to spend hours or days without engaging in any activity , and shows no preference or response to particular stimuli . Along with the research activities of stimulants in these cases are also little or no pressures to socialize, talkativeness and complexity of communication , and lack of emotional involvement in ongoing activities .